The “Shmeemobile” has become incredibly well known in the automotive world, immediately recognisable as my personal form of transportation across Europe and when I am on my way to all the events in the calendar. The Shmeemobile cars feature regularly in Shmee150 videos and are the backbone of the brand.
Below is an entire list of all of the cars that I have owned in my life from my first car aged 17, a Renault Clio 1.2 to today. The ShmeeFleet also consists of long-term loan cars from manufacturers that can be seen below, these cars are not officially owned by me.
In case you want to know all about the Shmeemobiles currently in the Shmuseum and get answers to all your Shmeemobile-related questions, than make sure to check out this video including a complete tour of my car collection!
Current Cars

Previous Cars

Previous Fleet Long-Term Loan Cars